Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Food

On Sunday we had the sausage sizzle. We bought 12 types of sausage from the local butchers, invited round six connoisseurs of porky pleasure and had an evening of sausage tasting and comparing notes. It was a blind tasting so Mad was the only person who knew which sausage was which; making the process even more exciting (sometimes the tension was unbearable). The sausages were all oven cooked and each type was bought out whole to allow for marks for appearance and then portioned out to each person for tasting, note making and general discussing. Marks were awarded for taste (out of 15), texture (out of 10) and appearance (out of 5) with each category weighted to reflect the importance of that category.

It was all hard work but somebody had to do it. After counting up scores,the wonders of spreadsheets proved that a firm winner has been found. We have discovered the best baked banger in south Derbyshire and will start to haggle with the butcher to try to get a discount for buying sausages by the pig load.


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