Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Crossing things off lists

This half-term holiday has been quite productive, at least in the wedding stakes. There have been a number of things crossed off the 'to do' list and several things moved from the 'must think about this at some time' to the 'sorted' list. We've been really lucky that people from all over have offered support, skills and expertise; and that those who offered in the early days of wedding planning are prepared to honour their offers now. ("Honour their offers"?! Sounds a bit dodgy to me!)

Although it's all very calm here, it's not been so smooth elsewhere. I (stupidly) bought some more wedding porn (a.k.a. Brides magazine) on Monday, and was suitably riled by the wedding fascists' views: reading this stuff is bad for my blood pressure. I also received some downright snotty treatment in a wedding shop in Nottingham - I'd heard on the grapevine that some shops have very bad customer service, but had not experienced it until this week. It amazes me that shops selling vastly over-priced items (have you seen some of the prices they think they can charge just because it's a wedding necklace not a normal one? Ridiculous) can be so offensive. I certainly won't be going back there again. Pah.

Sorry. Rant over. No more, I promise.

In other news: I bought some napkins at the Swedish Emporium, and very brightly coloured they are too. I also tried out flower arranging, which - for a non-artistic numpty such as myself - was not too bad at all. I just worry that the flower-arranging-ness will eat away at my intrinsic non-girlie-ness and I'll be doing crochet by the end of the month. Waah!


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